Seeking OCaml Wizards!
As a student navigating the OCaml universe, I'm facing a challenging programming assignment. Task: Create a functional data structure for efficient pattern matching. OCaml maestros, any insights, code snippets, or tips to conquer the intricacies of functional data structures and pattern matching in OCaml? Your expertise is my beacon in this functional journey!
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Enzo Jade
Absolutely! Navigating functional data structures and pattern matching in OCaml is an intriguing journey. Here's a snippet to guide you:
type 'a my_list = Nil | Cons of 'a * 'a my_list
let rec pattern_match_example lst =
match lst with
| Nil -> "Empty list"
| Cons (head, tail) -> "Head: " ^ string_of_int head ^ ", Tail: " ^ pattern_match_example tail
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