Once Upon A Time While Using My Computer

Once Upon A Time While Using My Computer
Once Upon A Time While Using My Computer

Once upon a time. Isn't that how most fairy tales begin? If you are naive enough to believe you will get rich over night on the internet, then you are still believing in fairy tales. Listen friends, here in the real world that just doesn't happen. You can get rich, but you are going to have to put effort behind those dreams if you want to see the fruit of your labor ripen.

I get so sick and tired of claims of over night wealth because someone has invented a secret code that stills everybody's traffic and sends them to your website. There are hackers out there that prey on the unsuspecting affiliate marketers. If you know how to cloak your affiliate URLs, then by all means do it. I lost a lot of money online to hackers. These hackers are nothing more than a wave of internet thieves and personally I would like to see them do some real jail time when they are caught.

It is really disgusting when someone works so hard to get a work at home business started while some snake is lurking around the corner waiting to steal your commissions. I have no Contact hackers online  for these rats. OK, enough about them, but I thought it best to at least warn you of what you may face as you progress with your online business. Let me emphasize once again to always cloak your URLs or hire a reputable company to cloak them for you. I not only cloak my URLs, but I also use a proxy server. This helps eliminate anyone from tracking you down and pin pointing where you are.

If you study hard and do your home work, you will make money. The more you study and learn what does and what doesn't work, the bigger your chances for success become. I only made $78.00 the first month I went into business on the internet. I was down-heated, but not discouraged. I had been told earlier by someone who was making a lot of money online, that they made much less than I did their first month in business. There is one quality you will need and that is persistence. You got to keep on keeping on.

My website is loaded with affiliate marketing products I sell, but I also keep fresh informative articles posted about the products. I have over 2,000 comments about my website and they are all favorable. I am proud of that because I have built my internet business on honesty and trust. I will admit that works for me may not suit you, but then again you can find your own niche and possibly leave me behind in the internet dust. Here's to your prosperity.

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