Crime is defined as "a breach of a rule or law for which a punishment may ultimately be prescribed by some governing authority or force" (Crime). What if crime did not exist? Who would fund public works? How many professions would not exist? Would the county require more funding from federal and state grants? Among other things, isn't it true that the derivative of spencer webb stats crime is financial punishment? Is crime financially detrimental or beneficial to society? In this case study the authors will attempt to answer these questions. Using a sample, the authors will prove that the funds derived from crime offset the cost of crime. Furthermore, this report will provide the findings of a detailed analysis of the cost- benefit relationship, which includes the financial impact and benefit that crime imposes on society. In this report it will be determined that crime acts as an economic stimulant. Rather than focusing on the morality of crime, the authors will focus on the financial and economic impact of criminal activity.
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