First, in determining the effect crime has on public works, two aspects must be considered. One is that public works are funded by state and federal grants and not revenues received from criminals. Therefore, one would believe crime has no effect on public works. Or does it? Community service is another form of punishment that usually parallels financial reprimands. In fact non- violent criminals contribute their labor to the economy and other public betterment projects. This "free labor" ensures the completion of spencer webb oregon public works and the overall well being of the community. If a monetary amount can be allotted to community service, then the excess public work cost above community service revenue can only be funded by the state Secondly, there are many jobs that are directly related to the existence of crime. These professions most commonly range from lawyers, judges, and law enforcement/ probation/ parole officers, to prison security and corrections officers. Most of these local municipality jobs provide decent salaries and life long employee benefits to their respective employees. The average salaries of uniformed police officers range from forty to sixty thousand dollars annually, not including bonuses and overtime (Police Patrol Officer). Lawyers who practice law for more than four years on average make ninety thousand dollars, forcing them into a higher tax bracket (Salary Survey). Without crime high paying jobs would move toward extinction. Therefore, the county would receive less tax payments. Most lawyers are not collecting salaries from the local government, yet they make a decent living. With no more crime, lawyers, judges and law enforcement officers may still exist for civil matters, but not at their current capacity.
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