Signs You Need A Roof Replacement


Curious if you need a roof replacement? Most homeowners would prefer to have a roof repaired if possible. But, this isn't always the appropriate action to take depending on the roof itself. Factors that influence whether or not it's time to replace include its age, extensive damage, and whether or not the contractor believes it's a better investment than making a repair. Let's take a look at some of the red flags that indicate a roof replacement is a better fit for your home.


Water Damage In The Attic


Has water damage happened in your attic? If so, this is a key indicator of roofing problems. An attic is the closest place to your roof, and in most cases, you can even see the roof clearly in this area. As a homeowner, you can usually inspect an attic space yourself. It may be a little dusty, and there may be spider webs, but you can climb into the attic space or at least have some visuals. If you notice any water after a storm has been entering your home, you'll need to hire someone for repairs.


The Roof Sags


A sagging roof is often a scary sight for any homeowner. This most certainly means that a roofing repair needs to happen. Oftentimes repairs can solve the situation, but a roofer may recommend a replacement at this point, depending on how severe the sag is. You may notice that your roof slopes to the center. Legacy Roofing mentions, “Sagging roofs are typically caused by insufficient internal bracing or undersized rafters/trusses combined with excessive loads of weight. Snow, ice, wind, and even too many layers of shingles can add stress to your roof and cause sagging.” 


Missing Flashing, Gutters, Shingles, Etc


Have you noticed any missing parts of your roof? Flashing, gutters or even the shingles can come off as the roof ages. Though you can replace many of these components if the roof is older and you're missing these things, your roofer will likely recommend a residential roof replacement instead of repairs. This will ultimately be more cost-saving.


Higher Than Average Heating And Cooling bill


Have you noticed a rise in your heating and cooling bills? This is a sign that you're losing air somewhere in your home. You could have an insulation inspection done to determine the source of the leak. A common influence for heating and cooling leaks comes from the roof. If you suspect that this is an issue, we highly recommend working with a professional to improve your heating and cooling.


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