Through the power of your subconscious mind you do at times have glimpses, or a voice, it's a revelation, if you will, showing you that you are truly a co-creator with God.
We've always been co-creators with God, but a dream of sort, has us seeing a separate picture with separate identities from God. Contemplating this dream of separation, so to speak, can be a great right-minded way of looking at the world, and may help you more easily begin finding your purpose in life.
Finding your purpose in life through the power of your Source mind can be difficult to comprehend.
In our conscious mind there is much more to say about how humankind has become the world's dreamer. Yes, we are storytellers.
Through the power of your subconscious mind you do at times have glimpses, or a voice, it's a revelation, if you will, showing you that you are truly a co-creator with God.
We've always been co-creators with God, but a dream of sort, has us seeing a separate picture with separate identities from God. Contemplating this dream of separation, so to speak, can be a great right-minded way of looking at the world, and may help you more easily begin finding your purpose in life.
Here's what I mean:
When the separation first occurred, a level of perception called consciousness became a part of our mind. A "separate" part, if you will, but illusive. This level of the conscious mind made itself a perceiver, rather than a creator that is provided for you in the power of your subconscious mind.
The conscious mind is where the ego built its domain, and we have been making projections, assumptions, and perceiving ever since.
Our minds only seem to be longer whole, now occupied by the ego--an imagination of the body being who we are, which is a wrong-minded attempt to perceive yourself as you wish.
The ego-based conscious mind helps you to make it difficult to know who you truly are.
The ego-based mind which is the illusory aspect of our mind that thinks, or, we may say dreams it is separate from God the Father, is full of questions, including how it was made, rather than created.
The ego is good at asking questions, but not receiving meaningful answers where your true calling or purpose in life concerned. This is so, because any answers would involve knowledge which is of the power of your subconscious mind that cannot be perceived by the ego.
With this, the conscious mind becomes confused, and finding your purpose in life can seem difficult, because only One-Mindedness, the power of your subconscious mind can be without confusion.
Truly, though, how can a divided and separated mind not be confused?
The ego-based mind is uncertain about what it is. Being that it is out of accord with itself, it must be in conflict. This makes all separated parts strangers to each other, and this is the essence of defense, where attack is prepared.
No wonder we are afraid of our real potential that sits in the power of your subconscious mind.
With the habitual dominance of the ego, you have become fearful of yourself and finding your purpose in life confusing, finding it hard to escape from whom you made yourself to be.
But you can, right now, at this very moment, easily escape from your misperceptions, assumptions, and projected images, because they are not true.
These misperceptions of yourself are errors; but your creation is beyond error, the creation is beyond the dream of separation, and with the truth that you are, your split-mind can be healed.
Let's not confuse right-mindedness with knowledge.
Your right-mind which often senses the power of your subconscious mind is only applicable to right-minded perception, which does lead to knowledge. It's where you hear that voice about finding your purpose in life. Often the voice is faintly heard due to the ego's doubtful, fearful, and judgmental chatter intruding.
Right-mindedness when properly utilized is the correction for wrong-mindedness, and is the state of mind that ignores the ego and gives you accurate perception rather than confusion. It's where your inner voice is more clearly heard.
There will be some doubt, but that's okay, because anything not of knowledge and the power of your subconscious mind will surely have its doubts.
We can call this miracle-minded perception, because miracles can only be possible by the corrected perception that begins the healing process.
If your perception is confused over any matter, big or small, bring it to the Holy Spirit-your inner Guide Who calls on you from the power of your subconscious mind, and then listen to His Voice for accurate perception