How mass recruiting works

Mass recruitment is also used when companies need collaborators for a specific event or project or for the opening of new offices.

Mass recruitment aims to attract many candidates in a short time. This generally depends on each company and the sector in which it operates, with consumption, hospitality and services being the ones that use it the most due to its high turnover.

Mass recruitment is also used when companies need collaborators for a specific event or project or for the opening of new offices.

Most of the time, a massive selection day is carried out with dynamics, tests, exercises and group (or individual) interviews that serve as a filter for hiring.

Likewise, psycho-labor techniques can be applied in groups and work drills to find out how people perform in a certain activity and thus divide them into those who continue in the process and those who do not.

Elements of a massive day

This type of process has as main characteristics the speed of incorporation and the quality of the process to find the right applicants. These are some conditions that make it different from the rest:

  • Technology: content that is shared, schedules, communication channels and behavior guidelines.
  • Development of tailored tests: generally, they are unprecedented for employees and must ensure equal opportunities.
  • Monitoring: attend and accompany the people who participate in the process through trained personnel and technology.
  • Execution: apply the tests in a homogeneous and inclusive manner.
  • Publication of results: inform participants about their status and attend to their claims.


At Human Quality we advise companies to follow these tips:Before the massive hiring day:

  • Thoroughly analyze the needs of the position through a professional chart (document that summarizes the characteristics, skills, abilities and values ​​of each candidate) that allows filtering the resumes to rule out those that do not meet the profile.
  • Write the job offer in an attractive way, both the headline and the description. Ideally, use between 400 and 800 words and include a review of the company.
  • Promote the conference on social networks (Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and Linkedin).
  • Publish the day on job search sites and on specific portals.
  • Hire the services of a professional to help find suitable candidates.
  • Develop an employer brand strategy. Remember that a company's reputation is vital to attracting talent.

During the massive hiring day:

  • Use killer questions, that is, immediate discard. Examples: years of experience and salary prospects.
  • Install a system that centralizes the information that guarantees compliance with the Data Protection Law.
  • Offer candidates an office-like experience.  
  • Avoid topics that may offend susceptibilities.

After the massive hiring day:

  • Keep the database of candidates updated.
  • Report the results to all participants.

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