Miller & Company CPAs: Tax Accountants is a best-rated & most experienced accounting firm in Sarasota, FL. This is the only accounting company that is able to look out of the box and deliver the desired results. There is no single financial problem that cannot be fixed by a highly professional and experienced team of Miller & Company. Top-rated CPA company in Sarasota will be able to determine the right combination of solutions required to achieve your financial goals and let your wealth work for you. Miller & Company CPAs: Tax Accountants, located in Sarasota, FL realizes the importance of financial and tax accounting in current settings and is ready to offer a high-quality service. Our qualified specialists are also able to provide cost segregation study in tax deductions and ensure that you have all accelerated tax benefits. Our experienced team will put enough effort in order to solve your financial challenge. Accounting and financial planning are integral parts of any successful business. It allows tracking income and expenses as well as having a proper business and individual tax calculations. All the aforementioned quantitative financial information helps investors and management of the company to make the right business decisions. CONTACT TAX ACCOUNTANTS NOW (941) 366-5646 The best accounting firm in Sarasota, FL has enough competencies to offer the following services: Real Estate Accounting HOA Accounting Rental and Commercial Property Accounting CIRA Accounting & Audits Construction Accounting Services Gift Tax fort Nonresident Aliens in the U.S. FIRPTA & Foreign Nationals