Which will be too risky a venture. Obviously, there's very little difference between the two from outside. Nonetheless, if you appear discerningly the difference will soon be apparent. However, before we go into that let us learn only a little about different areas of the umbrella that makes up its 'skeleton' ;.
They're the following:
- The Poles - You could have one solid pole without the coupling, but the majority are assembled into two pieces for quick transportation and storage. The former is more suited to commercial purpose.
- The Ribs - They're the pieces on the top of pole that disseminate to guide the canopy. Commercial outdoor umbrellas should have their fiberglass ribs to avoid frequent breakage.
- The Hub - They're mostly two in numbers. The Top Hub is stationery and garden umbrella onlinesupports the main rib as the Runner Hub goes up and down the central pole to boost or lower another ribs.
- The Cranks, Pulleys and Pins - They're all different kinds if opening and closing devices. However, cranks and pulleys aren't recommended for used in commercial outdoor umbrellas. The crank may also have tilt mechanism incorporated in it.