Fildena CT 50 For Impotence Treatment

Fildena CT 50 is an exceptional medicine that helps treat erectile dysfunction (ED), also referred as male sexual weakness or male impotence. CT in the medicine stands for Chewable Tablet.

About Fildena CT 50 mg   

Fildena CT 50 mg chewable medications are commonly used for the purpose of treating erectile dysfunction which is the most prevalent sexual condition in today’s men. It is also known as an impotence condition. These medium-dosage medications are formulated using a clinically proven active component for relieving impotence issues. With their potent formulation, these medications are well-known for imparting complete sexual gratification by delivering the desired action.          


Impotence is a distressing condition that makes it difficult for men in getting a natural erection after repeated attempts despite adequate sexual stimulation. It stems due to strained and clogged passages of the blood vessels that block the blood supply to the penile which in turn affects the quality of erections. It ultimately impairs sexual function. However, the medicine effectively improves stagnant sexual function. It delivers excellent results by augmenting sufficient blood flow to the penile and overcoming all the blockages in the blood vessels. It treats the condition irrespective of how severe it might seem within minutes of its consumption so that the men can perform their best after achieving sexual arousal.     



The medicine is composed in a chewable tablet form and every single tablet is wholly composed of Sildenafil Citrate which is the key component responsible for treating erectile disorders. It is a Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approved component for relieving the symptoms of erectile dysfunction. Pharmacologically, Sildenafil Citrate is also classified under the group of Phosphodiesterase type-5 (PDE-5) inhibitors that increase the flow of blood throughout the penile shaft which promotes a stronger erection. PDE-5 inhibitors do so by releasing abundant nitric oxide (NO) in the endothelial cells of the walls of the penile blood vessels. Nitric oxide initiates muscle relaxation and vasodilation in the penile blood vessels to allow the blood supply and seizes the blood in the penile for sustaining the erection.        


Mechanism Of Action

The key component in the Chewable tablet is categorized as a Phosphodiesterase type-5 (PDE5) inhibitor which stops the activity of PDE5 enzymes that are present in the walls of penile blood vessels. These PDE5 enzymes clog and strains the penile blood vessels and hinder the blood supply to the penile by causing blockages. PDE inhibitors limit the action of PDE enzymes in the walls of the penile blood vessels. After the inhibition of PDE5 enzymes, a powerful substance known as, Nitric oxide (NO) is expelled into the chambers of the penile for relaxing the strained muscles. This nitric oxide promotes the release of cyclic Guanosine Monophosphate (cGMP) enzymes that interacts with the muscles and relaxes them. This relaxation helps overcome arterial blockages by managing the constriction and dilation of the blood vessels in the penile shaft. Consequently, it promotes a prolonged erection for indulging in sexual interaction.


Buy Fildena CT 50 mg Online

You can buy Fildena CT 50 mg by placing an order online at e-pharmaceutical stores or online drugstores from the comfort of your home. These chewable tablets are available at reasonable rates. One can also avail themselves of free shipping and faster shipping facilities from e-pharmaceutical stores.       

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