How to install the head for a sex doll

Things need to be prepared: a cylinder connector, a pair of gloves, a small sex doll head, a doll body, a sofa chair

Things need to be prepared: a cylinder connector, a pair of gloves, a small sex doll head, a doll body, a sofa chair

First, hold the head on your hand and insert the plug into the head screw in 3 rounds clockwise upwards.

Second, align the other side of the connector with the threaded tube in the neck and turn it clockwise 4 turns.

157cm Wheat Red-haired Girl Fire Doll

How to attach the wig to the doll's head

Hold the bangs with your left hand and use your right hand to gently stretch the wig over your scalp from front to back. Then gently pull and adjust the fit over the head. There is a clip on the back of the wig to make it easier to fix.

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