5 Common Ecommerce SEO Mistakes to Avoid at All Costs

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It’s fairly common to make eCommerce SEO mistakes while starting out. After all, making your pages rank higher is no simple feat. Analytics, optimization, tracking, rework, there are many steps to this complicated process. Naturally, there’s a huge room for oversights. And sometimes, these can cost you – both time and resources. But with the best SEO company in India, you can get through the mistakes and get optimum growth for your eCommerce business.

However, one way to ensure that your SEO efforts remain pitfall-free is to know where you can go wrong. So, to help you out, here are five common bumps you can face on your road to eCommerce SEO. Have a look.

5 Common Ecommerce SEO Mistakes to Avoid at All Costs

If long-term business growth is your aim, you must focus on getting the SEO strategies right. To do so, check out the SEO mistakes that you should avoid at all costs for your eCommerce business.

1. Keyword Stuffing is the #1 Ecommerce SEO Mistake

You want your product pages to be on the top of leading SERPs. And product descriptions are the number one way to get there. Writing keyword-rich, relevant descriptions can put you in the algorithm’s good books. But it’s just as easy to crash land in the bad books.

But how? Well, by going overboard with the keywords. A few years ago, you might have gotten away with jamming keywords every other sentence. But Google can now give you a nasty hit for what is now considered a black-hat technique – keyword stuffing.

To steer clear of keyword stuffing, make sure that your content doesn’t have:

  • Out-of-context keywords
  • Irrelevant keywords
  • Keywords repeated in an unnatural cadence
  • Text blocks comprising only keywords

Take your keyword game to the next level with one of the best digital companies in Mumbai– Digitactix, and ensure top ranks all the way.

2. Not Taking Security into Account

Just imagine a scenario where you search for ‘Sofas online’ and you decide to shop from a site that Google suggested, only to have your payment information stolen. To prevent such scenarios, Google takes security very seriously when ranking websites. Just a simple HTTPS certification won’t cut it.

You need to go beyond and implement an end-to-end security framework for your eCommerce store, including dedicated data encryption and protection. Also, ensure your store is PCI DSS compliant, and make it a habit to run vulnerability tests regularly, as well as data backups.

3. Questionable Link Building Strategies

Google awards relevant link-building strategies handsomely. But if you try to stretch the ethical boundaries of link building, search engines can punish you for it. Stuffing your content with links, buying links, disregarding broken links, and poor internal linking can kick your page down many ranks, sometimes, even a whole SERP, making unethical link building one of the worst eCommerce SEO mistakes.

The best way to excel at link-building is to find highly relevant direct links to your product pages. Videos are a great way to do that. Adding video comparisons, walk-throughs, explainers, etc. is a fantastic linking strategy and something that also adds value to your page.

Get the best of inbound and outbound linking with Digitactix – a leading SEO company in India.

4. Slow Site Speed – Another Prominent Ecommerce SEO Mistake

How fast your website loads also plays a crucial role in SEO. The slower your page is, the lower it ranks on the SERPs. Many factors contribute to slow load speed. It can be uncached JavaScript or CSS files, unminified JavaScript and CSS files, presence of large images, etc.

Apart from speed, the site structure also matters. As you may already know, Google crawls your entire website before ranking it. If it’s difficult for Google’s bots to navigate, it’ll be cumbersome for your site’s visitors as well. Having a hierarchical structure helps. Divide your eCommerce site into the homepage, product categories, subcategories, and individual product pages for simpler navigation.

5. Overlooking Schema

According to one study, websites with proper schema mark-up ranked 4 positions higher than ones without it. And though it’s far-fetched to assume that it was based on schema alone, it still has a substantial influence on a page’s ranking.

Schema mark-up helps Google’s bots understand the structure of your page, and know what’s where. In the case of product pages, schema can be really helpful, as it can help bots locate essential info like product information, price, description, reviews, contact information, etc. Adding schema has also become quite intuitive, thanks to platforms like schema.org.

Over to You

Now that you’re aware of the common eCommerce SEO mistakes, you can make informed decisions while planning your SEO strategy. If you’re having trouble, you can even turn to an SEO agency to do the job for you.

For the best digital marketing services in Indiaget in touch with us – and find your anchor for everything marketing!

Digitactix Agency

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