Five frequently asked questions about sex dolls

For the uninitiated, the world of real sex dolls can be incredibly confusing. As a result, there are usually many insecure people asking the same questions about what life with a sex doll is like and how the whole ownership process works. So let's get some clarity. Below you will fin

For the uninitiated, the world of real sex dolls can be incredibly confusing. As a result, there are usually many insecure people asking the same questions about what life with a sex doll is like and how the whole ownership process works. So let's get some clarity. Below you will find the most frequently asked questions about buying, living with and caring for sex dolls, as well as the answers that so many people need...

Question: How to buy sex dolls?

Answer: Sex dolls are mostly sold online, including here at lovelovedolls Doll. Society has not yet reached the point where sex dolls are available in stores, but it will be a great day when they are!

Question: How do I know if I will like a real doll?

Answer: This is difficult to answer. For obvious hygiene reasons, you can't try a sex doll and see if you like it - an element of your purchase will always be based on belief. However, if you take the time to do some thorough research and consider your own sexuality, you should get some insight.

Cinderella-163cm White Tender Japanese Lover Doll WM Doll

Question: How does a sex doll feel?

Answer: This depends entirely on the type of doll you buy, whether or not the doll has a stand-up function (these dolls tend to feel a bit stiffer, although the vagina/anal feel is still the same softness you expect would), and the quality of the sex dolls themselves. Real sex dolls should feel soft and pliable, but with a certain rigidity. When a doll is well made, its "skin" feels soft and - depending on the model chosen - can even be warm to the touch.

Question: Will my wife/girlfriend give me a sex doll?

Answer: Many people ask this question as it can be difficult to hide and store sex dolls without raising the suspicion of your partner. Realistically, the only answer to that question is...who knows? It all depends on your wife! However, it is important to know that many happy couples incorporate a sex doll into their sex life and love the experience. So it's always worth bringing up the subject to see if your wife is interested in trying it out. If not - or you don't feel comfortable pitching the idea - you might want to opt for a smaller doll as it can be stored more efficiently.

Question: Will a sex doll really satisfy my needs beyond normal masturbation?

Answer: It's natural to wonder about this, since real sex dolls aren't particularly good at interacting with their owner, so many men wonder if they offer a real, real improvement over standard masturbation. The answer to that is somewhat subjective, but the proof lies largely in the popularity of sex dolls. Thousands if not millions of men around the world love the experience they get with their sex doll and see it as a superior way to satisfy their urges. The only way to know is to try!

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