Catchy Business Names - 5 Easy Steps to Generate Business Names Ideas

Catchy Business Names - 5 Easy Steps to Generate Business Names Ideas
Catchy Business Names - 5 Easy Steps to Generate Business Names Ideas

Catchy Business Names are a sure fired way to get your Business noticed in a world brimming with competition. You need to use every trick up your sleeve to be the one that stands out in your chosen field.

Making the decision on what to name your business can be extremely frustrating. You could pay a sum of money for someone to come up with a name for you, but I feel your business name represents you as a person, just like your business does, and it should be something that you choose and feel right about!

Step 1. This is the most important step. You will need to decide if your business is going to stay with the product / service that you are currently providing or if you may, at a later date expand / add or change that range.

The reason I say this is because you will not want to change your name further down the road because the name you chose initially no longer reflects the business you have built and expanded on.

Example: You start selling designer socks and you choose a catchy business name around socks. You then decide to expand and sell other underwear ranges, your business name will not reflect create company name  other products you sell, and this will confuse your market.

Step 2. Write down all the names you can think of that describes your business.

Example: Use different words like underwear / lingerie etc.

Step 3. This is where your business names ideas start forming. Go to Google and type in keyword selector tool. This will take you to a site where you can enter the keywords on your generated list and it will give you a list of related terms to your keyword.

The list also tells you how many people are searching for that term. This is a great indicator of the popularity of that term.

Step 4. Take a term that you like the sound of and put a spin on it. Catchy business names can be funny, unusual, weird, funky or just 'different' to the norm. Write down all the ideas you have and jumble them around. Use misspells. People always remember those! Miss letters out, e.g. 'R' instead of 'are'.
Be inventive and step outside your comfort zone.

Step 5. Run the list you have finalised by a number of family and friends. Get a census together of the most popular names. You will probably find they will come up with some great ideas to add to your list.

Finally, when thinking up catchy business names, remember the effect of that annoying tune that you heard and can't get out of your head. It keeps popping up and you can't seem to stop singing it. Well apply that principle to finding your business names ideas and you won't go far wrong!

