How to Build a Boutiqaat-Like Ecommerce App?

Be the leading e-commerce business with a user-friendly and robust app. Read this blog to learn how to develop an app like Boutiqaat

An app like Boutiqaat was envisaged by a young Kuwaiti entrepreneur in the year 2015 who was successfully able to distinguish the application as one of the leading e-commerce platforms. The app was a virtual makeup showroom with a curated mix of 25,000+ fashion and beauty products from the top 700+ local and international brands.

Boutiqaat offers personal recommendations from the most loved celebrities in the Middle East, which help users to identify the right products for themselves. As per Similarweb, Boutiqaat earns annual revenue of $100 million to $200 million and is ranked as the second-best beauty and personal care e-commerce app in the UAE region.

What started as a generic e-commerce brand in Kuwait has today grown tremendously and become one of the premium destinations for purchasing beauty and makeup products in the Middle Eastern region. The app also has 1,000+ tutorial videos on beauty tips, product reviews, makeup looks, and reviews by celebrities.

How to Develop an App like Boutiqaat?

The fashion e-commerce app development process is not a simple one. It is quite a complex and difficult task as it requires a lot of advanced planning and resources. Let’s look at the complete step-by-step process of develop an app like Boutiqaat.

Market Research and Analysis

The first step to build a Boutiqaat-like ecommerce app is market research.  This includes doing competitive research, conducting user interviews, and analyzing target audience behavior and other market patterns. Once you do thorough market research, you will be better able to determine the right set of features and platforms for your Boutiqaat clone app.

Set your Goals

The foundation for building an app like Boutiqaat depends on how you set your goals. Focus on the SMART (Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant, Time-Bound) Goal. Ask yourself the following questions that will help you in your SMART goal-setting process:

  • What do you seek to achieve?
  • When do you want to accomplish it?
  • How will you measure the results?

Choose the Right Platform

Depending on the revenue model of your business, ensure choosing the right platform for your fashion e-commerce app. Having detailed information about the CMS, inventory, database, and cost can help you decide if you want to launch an iOS or Android app.

However, it goes very well without saying that you will definitely need to research the platform type. You can also choose cross-platform app development if you wish to launch on both platforms.

Opt for the Right Feature Set

By now, you have already done your research and have understood how to outdo your competitors, so it is now time to define the right e-commerce app feature set that can satisfy your end users. An e-commerce app similar to Boutiqaat should have features, including push notifications, social media integration, ratings and reviews, alternative payment options, easy and faster checkout, a wishlist, synchronization, and others.

Ensure that you have all these basic features implemented first before utilizing the other advanced features that can generate more user engagement in your app.

Create an Appealing UI/UX Design

Customers’ experience in an e-commerce fashion and beauty app should surpass the in-personal shopping experience. Remember, design is the only voice of your business. Thus, creating a proper UI and UX design will keep your customers glued to your app.

Go for designing appealing visuals, great color schemes, smoother transitions, and easily navigational features that can make a long-lasting impression on your users, just like 6th Street.

6th Street, an e-commerce fashion app, was experiencing a poor user experience with payment gateway issues and delays in starting the app. Our experts at Appinventiv solved this issue, overall redefining the entire online shopping experience.

Advanced Features that can Make your Boutiqaat-Like App Stand Out

The current e-commerce market is thronging with the competition. Long-term success mainly depends on what kind of user experience you offer to your customers. Therefore, it is always great to incorporate your e-commerce app with some advanced features to make it more user-friendly and alluring. Here are the features you can consider including in your app.

Chatbot Integration

Chatbot for customer support makes any e-commerce app more interactive. It provides answers to the generic queries of your customers and interacts just like a human. A smart chatbot integration can save a lot of your investment and time in human resources.

These chatbots are set with pre-programmed keywords and get triggered when a user asks a question, the answer to which is already stored in the program. A recent survey says that 33% of people globally have found chatbots to be very useful and effective at resolving their queries.

Push Notifications

With the push notification feature, you can allow your customers to stay informed regarding their shipment status, order confirmation, discounts or offers, app updates, or any other useful information which will keep them constantly engaged with your app.

Product Recommendation

It is extremely useful for the fashion and beauty e-commerce app to offer product recommendations and professional beauty advice to its users, as they like personalized services. For instance, Boutiqaat gives personalized product recommendations from the most loved celebrities in the Middle East to its users.

At Appinventiv, we created an e-commerce app for mothers, known as Edamama that shows personalized product recommendations based on their child’s gender and age. Such customized experience helps boost engagement rates and entices the users to stay glued to the app.

Efficient CRM System

A Customer Relationship Management (CRM) system can help you build and manage long-lasting relationships with your customers. An efficient CRM system allows you to get your marketing strategies channelized and helps you to gather, manage, and evaluate customer data most effectively.

Therefore, it is always a great option to have implemented a powerful CRM for your e-commerce fashion and beauty app.

Multilingual and Multi-Currency Support

If you have an idea of expanding your e-commerce app business beyond borders, then your app must support multiple languages and currencies. These features will give your users a more personalized touch and offer them a hassle-free and seamless shopping experience.

Behavior Tracking

With the behavior tracking feature, you can actually track the behavior of your individual users on your e-commerce app. By using this information, your app would suggest the users more relevant suggestions. Behavior tracking is also a great step toward making your app more customer-oriented.

sam anderson

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