SAP Evaluation near me | 30067

SAP Evaluation provides Substance Abuse Professional (SAP) and Substance Abuse Expert (SAE) services at over 5000 sites across the United States, including all 50 states and Puerto Rico.

What is a SAP  SAP  Evaluation?  A SAP is someone who evaluates and makes recommendations on employees who have in some way violated a department of transportation (DOT) drug and alcohol program regulation. The recommendations made would be regarding education, treatment, follow-up testing, and aftercare.

SAP Evaluation near me or substance abuse evaluation is a face-to-face clinical assessment of an individual to determine what exactly they need to resolve their problems associated with alcohol or drug use.  Face-to-face is mandatory because this may offer important physical cues vital to the evaluation process.  This may include the following:  tremors, needle marks, dilated pupils, exaggerated movements, yellow eyes, glazed or bloodshot eyes, lack of eye contact, a physical slowdown or hyperactivity, appearance, posture, carriage, and ability to communicate in person.

DOT Qualified SAP near me

Scarlett Rose

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