How to increase the additional value of the page in order to get more traffic from the search

How to increase the additional value of the page in order to get more traffic from the search.

How to increase the additional value of the page in order to get more traffic from the search.
Simply publishing an article on the site, even if it is a high-quality text that is optimized for a specific group of queries, is no longer enough to get traffic. And if the niche is commercial, then the situation becomes even more complicated.
We live in an era of an overabundance of content, when you can find a huge number of answers to any of the queries on the Internet. And to get a place in the Top for any of the pages of the site, its owner literally needs to prove to the search that it is really worth it.
How to solve this problem in conditions when "everything has already been written, everything has already been told"? The answer is: to ensure its high relevance, compliance with the intent and offer some additional value to users. This requires some time and effort, but in the case of valuable queries and potentially traffic topics, such investments will be fully justified.

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So let's take a closer look at exactly how this can be done.
Pay attention to the structure and complex formatting.
Research shows that Internet users do not read pages, but "scan" them. That is, they open a tab and start flipping through the page, clinging with their eyes to various reference points, for example, headlines, quotes, attention blocks, and the like.
A well-designed structure is also important for search robots, as it allows you to better determine the relevance of the page and determine which queries to rank in the output.
With respect to more complex elements, it is possible to highlight with the help of various visual formatting blocks such content as:
quotes and comments from experts;
lists of tips;
attention blocks;
code snippets;
tables, etc
. Focus on numbers and specifics.
Reading solid linear text is not interesting. Even if we are talking about really useful information. One of the easiest ways to make the text more interesting and keep users' attention is to add interesting statistics, facts and figures on the topic.
And in general, if you bet on specifics, this approach always pays for itself. Such inserts can also be highlighted in a separate block to make the presentation of information on the page more interesting.
Aim for quick answers and favorite snippets.
The number of search queries that do not end with a click and a click to the site from the search results continues to grow. Google continues to develop the direction for quick answers, and this should be considered when optimizing websites.
One way to mitigate the effect of such changes in algorithms is to initially work through pages with an eye to getting into quick answers and selected snippets.


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