One very famous Korean Noodle is making headlines today, and is known as the Shirataki Noodle. These noodles are creating quite a stir in the world of diet foods as the next best thing in weight loss. Shirataki noodles have no fat or carbs. They are also calorie and sodium free. Famous chefs are using these noodles and are finding mouthwatering dishes to use them in. These noodles can be used to help lose weight, and also help with digestive problems.
Korean Shirataki noodles are made from the flower of the Kunnyaku, or Konjac plant. The flour base or root is full of fiber called glucomaanan. This fiber is very soluble and effective in slowing digestion. By slowing digestion, we give the food we eat more time in our digestive tract. Nutrients are then fully ingested and sugars and starches absorb much slower, which gives our body time to produce insulin more naturally. This causes our metabolism to maintain a steady pace.
When we eat everyday normal sugary or starchy foods, our bodies' sugar levels rise quickly, causing us to produce more insulin than necessary. This is where we feel the sudden spike in energy and the crash soon after. This can be a downfall because as we crash, we begin to want more sugary foods to refuel and gain energy again. This is not healthy. Our cholesterol may rise and we might also develop adult onset diabetes and other health issues.
The fiber in Korean noodles helps to cleanse the colon and digestive tracts of fatty deposits and toxins. This plant has been used to relieve constipation, and can help resolve many health issues by helping to detoxify the body. Through this process, we begin to feel better and have more energy. So not only are we cleansing our body, we are also regulating our metabolism, which is a foolproof factor in losing weight.
Shirataki noodles in East Asia have been a staple in diets for centuries. These noodles are the base of several yummy Korean noodle dishes. They are not only great in Asian dishes, but they can also be substituted for traditional American pasta dishes. Now you can have that second plate of spaghetti or fettuccini without the guilt or the extra pounds, which go with it. These noodles are a healthy addition to any diet as they are calorie free and gluten free. Korean Noodles are a guilt free way to enjoy your pasta!
For more info: Wai Wai Noodles Review