Dating Apps You've Probably Never Heard Of

Dating Apps You've Probably Never Heard Of


I love parks, so I found the app that allows you to make dates in nature interesting. After registering through Facebook, I put a photo and marked interests - this is something like tags by which you can search for like-minded people.

On the poster, I marked several concerts and exhibitions that I want to go to, and synchronized them with the calendar on my phone. There were quite a few events. To be honest, I didn’t even know that parks had such a variety of events.

The application has a section with all parks - both in the form of a map and a list. You can open the desired park, see its poster and find out which of the users is there right now.

In the "Dating" section, you can find a company for a joint trip to the event. This section is similar to Tinder: here you also need to swipe left and right, and the chat opens only after mutual sympathy.

The ParkSeason app is definitely not made for lengthy conversations. Here it is convenient to draw up a calendar and immediately make an appointment. Perhaps the only thing I didn’t like was that the app periodically crashes. But perhaps this difficulty is only on the ios platform. You can find another free hook up at the our website.

Cellular data used: 177 MB in 3 hours of active use


In this application, you can find a person who hates the same thing as you. And at the same time tell everyone openly about what has long been infuriating. Installing the application on my smartphone, I thought: “Finally, it’s over with boyfriends who love Remarque, which I hate, cats and vegetarianism. Now I'm going to meet that guy." But everything turned out to be not so simple.

After installing Hater, I realized that the Hater interface pisses me off the most. When registering through Facebook, I crashed out of the application ten times, if not more. Perhaps this is done so that a person gets into the system in a state of passion and starts to hate everything around?

After registering and mindlessly clicking on buttons (the interface is awkward), I finally got a list of cards with words that I needed to mark as favorites and dislikes: "Donald Trump", "Berlin", "teamwork", "autumn", "techno " etc.

At first it was even interesting, because I saw how many users share my opinion about chicken wings, rain, vodka and the Eiffel Tower. On top of that, quite strange and funny options sometimes fell out: “dipping a cookie in milk”, “drunken twister”, “people who draw penises everywhere”. By the way, each card is accompanied by a funny GIF - perhaps this is the coolest thing in the application.

I marked about 15-20 cards and received a notification: Time to meet some other haters. Men appeared on the screen, who are infuriated by the same thing as me. I had to hate them or love them. It reminded me of Tinder: to the right I swiped likes (LOVE), and to the left - those who did not go (HATE). When someone liked me back, the app said: You and Denis don't hate each other.

In the settings, you can select global search, then the application will show people around the world, as well as search by geolocation. In five days of active liking, I formed about 20 pairs.

First, Gabriel from Brazil texted me: “Are you really 27? You look 21!" I immediately asked how old Gabriel was, to which I received the answer: 19. “Don't worry, I prefer older girls haha,” he added.

Deciding to be more careful in choosing partners, I began to pay attention to the mark with age. Here comes the moment of truth: people over 25, as a rule, do not sit in Hater. I never managed to get a date with someone: communication with a Brazilian student who prefers women of age quickly got bored/

I think I could have become an active Hater user 5-8 years ago, during my student days. Lots of cute boys from all over the world, a design with funny gifs and an abundance of emojis, jokes about alcohol, drugs and growing up, as well as the ability to openly express your anger would have done their job.

Cellular data used: 48MB in ~2 hours of active use

"Friend around"

The application reminded me of the Odnoklassniki website. You come in and you immediately get lost in a large number of buttons, notifications and messages from Marat. I still do not understand how you can configure the incoming filter here. In three minutes, about ten people wrote to me, and one was 20 years old, the other 52.

“Hello beauty”, “what are you doing?”, bouquets of emoji roses - people sent dozens of messages, and it seemed to me that I returned to the early 2000s. Already in the first minutes I received two proposals to have sex today. "Is it customary here?" I asked. One guy ignored my question, the second answered: "I'm just being honest with you." I think this could happen in any other application.

When I put my phone in my bag, the screen showed 18 unread messages. I walked three minutes from the office to the subway - and their number grew to 45. Due to the endless notifications, I turned off the sound on the phone, but even after that it continued to vibrate.

Perhaps this is the main problem of the application: here you have no personal space. I was able to set an age filter while searching for men, but people of all ages kept texting me.

One guy immediately set a condition: if we like each other, I will move to him in two months - he was looking for a wife. The other immediately began to confess his love - in his opinion, we are made for each other. I ignored these messages.

For the weekend I was left alone in a holiday village in the suburbs. Then a 40-year-old Tramp wrote to me: “Beauty, why are you not sleeping?” I replied that I would soon go to bed, and then it came: “Will you let me in? And then I'm here alone at the station nearby. Then I got really scared. That night, I dreamed that the number of messages from strangers on my phone reached a hundred. The next morning it turned out that the dream was prophetic.

Now I continue to use the application, but, to be honest, I miss about 80% of the messages. I'm afraid that among the huge number of people who write to me every second, I can miss a really normal man - I think there are such people here too.

Would I recommend this app to anyone else? Well, except perhaps for people with a lack of attention and very strong nerves.

Cellular data used: 156MB in ~3 hours of active use

Alan Poe

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