What is Fildena 50 mg?

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Fildena 50 mg belongs to a group of medicines called PDE5 inhibitors, used to treat Erectile Dysfunction(ED). It is made of the chemical compound Sildenafil Citrate, also called Generic Viagra or Generic SildenafilYou will find Fildena 50 less expensive than any other brand-name ED pill. Fildena is available in different strengths depending on the correct dose for each patient.

You can buy the medicine easily at any pharmacy or store, even online. Fildena 50 mg may have side effects only if you do not follow the doctor's instructions.


What is Fildena 50mg used for?

Fildena 50 mg is prescribed for treating ED, a type of male sexual dysfunction.

Erectile Dysfunction (ED): For many men, the inability to get an erection firm enough for sexual activity is the most prevalent among all kinds of sexual dysfunctions. A lack of blood flow in the penis is the primary reason. The blood flow can be affected in multiple ways; Click to know more about the causes of ED!

How Do Fildena 50 work in the body?

Its beneficial effect of boosting erection by increasing blood flow with no additional health complications makes Fildena worthwhile.

Being a phosphodiesterase type 5 (PDE5) inhibitor medicine, Fildena 50 (Sildenafil Citrate) delays the PDE5 enzyme from functioning. 

This enhances the normal physiological processes like smooth muscle contraction and relaxation of the blood vessels, stimulating erection.

How to use sildenafil citrate tablets?

How much of the medicine you need depends on two things: your overall health and how bad the dysfunction is. It would help to talk to a doctor about the correct dose.

In general, Fildena 50 should be taken 30 to 60 minutes before you are up for any sexual activity.

If you want the medicine to work best, take it on an empty stomach.

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