There are two kinds of miracles that God performs. One is the MACRO miracle, and the other is the MICRO miracle. The MACRO is the event that is outside of the natural order of things. This kind of miracle breaks or suspends the natural laws of the universe. Examples of these happening are when Jesus walked on water, and when God parted the Red Sea. God uses demonstrations of power like these to get our attention. There are certain significant times in history when God flags that moment with a special supernatural event, and if we were to be around at the time they happened we would be overawed and astonished at the greatness and power of God. We would most likely be mere spectators in this event and not taking centre stage. These events are part of his sovereign purpose in the timetable of his cosmic program.
However there is another order of miracle that involves us in a close and personal way. That occurs with the MICRO miracles that happen to us in the daily course of our lives. These events are the outworking of God's intervention in arranging the amazingly coincidental and providential acts of mercy and goodness towards us that we will see and experience if we are expecting God to do them. These things are no less supernatural and require no less faith, but we are the immediate beneficiaries of all of these events. These occurrences may not break the natural laws of the universe. In fact they work very neatly within the natural laws of the universe and its course of time and space. But when they do happen we know it was more than mere coincidence.
If a person says they believe in God then t it is safe to say that they are also saying that they believe that God created them, and that he loves them and that he wants to do good to them and for them (ThInk about that for a moment). This is what I call REAL faith in God. In fact it is not just faith IN God but it is faith WITH God which is what he really wants us to experience. Faith WITH God is different to faith IN God. Jesus came to earth to establish humanity in this kind of faith. It is actually the faith of Jesus that he shares with us from heaven. The Apostle Paul talks about it when he says 'It's not just me living anymore, it's Christ living WITH me, and the life that I live, I live by the faith OF (with) the Son Of God...' (Gal.2:20). This means that there should be an expectation of the intervention of God into every circumstance of our lives.
You cannot isolate yourself from God in a course in miracles at all or you doom yourself to mere existence in the natural realm of life. When a person has REAL faith in and with God they have entered into the SUPERNATURAL REALM of life.
When we live this kind of life with God it does not mean that we are in CONTROL of the supernatural things that happen to us, or that happen around us, but it does mean that we are in COMMAND of the decision to believe and to respond to God in that circumstance. God wants to demonstrate his oneness and partnership with us. It is that faith RESPONSE from US that allows us to be in on these events. These are SUPERNATURAL events but they do not have to break the natural order of the laws of the universe. They interweave in and through the network of the people and events of life around us. This is where God says, 'You are on center stage with me now in this event - This is about your life with me.'
You will see this in the way he organizes other people to phone you or connect with you, or for you to connect with them at just the right time. He can put these promptings to action into our minds and we don't even realize he is doing it. These are events that are beyond our ability to control. And guess what! He will arrange a 'Take Two' so that we even get another chance to get it right. These are MICRO miracles and our life can abound with them.
But it needs faith. The faith is simply that we believe that this is the way God deals with us on a moment to moment basis. Without faith we are looking the other way all the time and we miss it. We walk out of the room and go into our cave just when God wants to share a moment of the supernatural with us. We leave the room, we are looking the other way!