How Long Should my Artificial Lawn Last?


Have you ever wondered how long your artificial lawn should last? It’s generally clear that an artificial lawn (unfortunately) won’t last forever. However, if you have been wondering how long your artificial lawn is likely to last, our experts are here to help! With this thought in mind, today, we’re looking at some of the critical things you should know to help you decide when it’s likely time for your artificial lawn to be replaced.

How Long Should my Artificial Lawn Last?

There’s no set time frame for how long your artificial lawn will last. Indeed, while many of us want our artificial lawns to last as long as possible, the reality is that an artificial lawn often isn’t going to be able to retain the original aesthetic indefinitely. But how long should an artificial lawn last? 

Well, if you’ve purchased a high-quality artificial lawn, you should be able to expect it to last for around a decade at least. With good care and attention, though, it’s potentially possible for your high-quality artificial lawn to keep that original style easily, which could see the lawn lasting for around two decades or longer. 

 In the end, how long your artificial lawn will last may also depend on factors like how you use the lawn and so on. If you typically use the lawn a lot – for example, if the lawn has heavy footfall – or if your artificial lawn is exposed to extremes of weather and temperature for many years, damage to your artificial grass could be much more likely. In addition, if you struggle to keep your artificial lawn clean (for example, if leaves accumulate on the lawn and you don’t have time to remove them), this could accelerate damage to your artificial grass lawn.

Start with a Top-Quality Grass Lawn for the Best Results

Buying a new artificial grass lawn isn’t necessarily a small expense. With this thought in mind, while an artificial grass lawn will last much longer than a traditional organic lawn, it’s well worth considering that you’ll still need to take steps to look after it. So occasionally, you may also need to replace your artificial grass lawn.

If this is something you find yourself worried about, don’t worry! Premium-quality artificial grass lawns like ours here at Tiger Turf are designed to stand the test of time, which is why we make all of our products locally and offer warranties of up to ten years – giving you the confidence you deserve in your new lawn.

Don’t leave it to chance. An artificial grass lawn shouldn’t let you down, so long as you look after it well and invest in a top-rated lawn, to begin with!



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