Child Custody Attorney Aliso Viejo Who Is Focused on your Child's Best Interests

The focus of any child custody and visitation action should be on what is best for the children, not on which parent has more money or who is willing to make up stories or accusations to win at all costs.

If you're considering a divorce or are in the middle of one, child custody and visitation rights are probably at the forefront of your consideration. 


As such, you need to consult with an experienced child custody attorney Aliso Viejo to protect your right as a parent. 


As a team of highly experienced child custody attorneys in Aliso Viejo, Mr. Eric M Nakasu and his team of lawyers are here to protect your rights and the needs of your loved ones. We specialize in divorce, child custody, spousal agreements, asset division, domestic abuse, mediation, and paternity disputes. 


Our attorneys work together as a team to bring results for you. Our pragmatic and child-focused approach is complemented by an affordable legal representation that fulfills all your needs from seasoned family lawyers like us. Our prime focus lies in resolving disputes outside the courtroom for the benefit of all parties involved. We strive to negate any emotional or financial stress on our clients during such a difficult period in their life. 


Our Practice Areas

We offer our advisory and representation in complex family matters as the best child custody attorneys in Aliso Viejo. Whether it's about the case strategy or the major choices involved, you'll be in complete control of your case. Our legal team is always available to resolve all your queries and help you every step of the way during the case. 

  • Child Support
  • Child Custody and Visitation
  • Divorce
  • Legal Separation
  • Domestic Violence 
  • Modification of Orders
  • Property Division
  • Paternity
  • Prenuptial and Postnuptial Agreements


Don't hesitate to reach out to the top child custody attorney Aliso Viejo to fight for your parental rights. Call us at (714) 916-9800 today and discuss your case with us without any charge. We'll ensure that your child and family have a secure future, both financially and emotionally. 


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