Is Seven Wonder City Peshawar supported?

Seven Wonder City Peshawar is a proposed uber city in the territory of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Sindh and Balochistan, Pakistan.

The task is as of now in an in-between state after the commonplace government provided a notification to the engineer, mentioning that all work on the venture stop until additional notification. The proposed city would traverse an area of 1,500 square kilometers, making it the biggest arranged city on the planet. It would have a populace of up to 50 million individuals and would be home to everything from lavish inns to an air terminal with a capacity for up to 20 million travelers per year. Given its gigantic scope and expected influence, it's critical to investigate what 7 wonders city peshawar could mean for the district. Is it actually really smart? Furthermore, provided that this is true, for what reason are adversaries raising such worries?




Seven Wonder City, otherwise called Peshawar Uber City, is a proposed super city in Peshawar, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan. The city is supposed to have a populace of more than 10 million by 2030. The venture has been met with analysis from natural gatherings and occupants who dread for the fate of their networks.


Seven Wonder City Peshawar: What's going on here?


Seven Wonder City Peshawar is an impending advancement situated in Peshawar, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan. The improvement is imagined to turn into a worldwide city that will be home to imaginative businesses, trend setting innovations, and top notch framework. The venture has been dubious since its origination, with pundits contending that it is monetarily untrustworthy and needs merit. Nonetheless, allies fight that the city will be an aid to the economy of Peshawar and give truly necessary positions and monetary soundness.


How Does the Seven Wonder City Peshawar Work?


Peshawar, the capital of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa region in Pakistan, is a cutting edge and prosperous city. It was established in 1747 by Mir Wais Khan, one of the most remarkable Sikhs of his time. Peshawar embraced Islam and turned into a significant exchanging focus. The city thrived because of its essential area at the intersection among India and Afghanistan. Peshawar was additionally a significant focus of schooling during English Raj.


In 1839, the English added Peshawar from the Sikh Durrani Realm. The city continuously formed into a cutting edge city with expansive roads, great design and a flourishing economy. In 1920, Peshawar turned into the managerial capital of the North-West Boondocks Territory (NWFP).


During The Second Great War, Peshawar filled in as a significant army installation for English soldiers battling against Nazi Germany and its partners. The city was additionally bombarded by Associated airplane a few times. After Autonomy in 1947, Peshawar kept on developing quickly and became quite possibly of Pakistan's most significant city.


Today, Peshawar is viewed as quite possibly of Pakistan's most lovely and clamoring city. It has a populace of north of 1 million individuals and is home to numerous significant instructive foundations like Government School College (GCU), Kohat Clinical School and Medical clinic (KMCH), College of Designing and Innovation (UET) Peshawar and Bacha Khan Clinical School Univtariat


Seven Wonders of Peshawar: What are they?


The Seven Wonders of Peshawar are a progression of old designs in Peshawar, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan. These incorporate the Hanging Nurseries, the Incomparable Mosque of Jamkandhar, the Bala Hissar Stronghold and the Khaibar Entryway.


In 2007, Seven Wonders City was proposed as a city improvement project in Peshawar. Nonetheless, it has been met with analysis from different quarters for its supposed absence of authenticity and verifiable exactness.




Right now, it's hard to say without a doubt regardless of whether Seven Wonder City Peshawar is supported. Nonetheless, in the event that you're searching for an extravagant amusement park that will furnish you with an extraordinary encounter, then Seven Wonder City Peshawar may be the ideal objective for you.

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