Hire Affordable Soft Serve Machine on Rent in Melbourne

Whether you want to hire or get the soft serve ice-cream machine on rent, at Snow Flow to check our collections with the price range and get your business booming.

Have a convenience store? Want to take your business to the next level? Why not have a soft serve machine together with other cold drinks? Ice-creams are quick pick-ups; there is a vast difference between ice cream and soft serve.

Let’s learn more about it here:

  • Made from only 3-6% milk fat and stored at 25°F, this soft serve is much smoother than ice cream.
  • Available in different flavours, this soft serve comes without any scooping.
  • Ice cream must be stored in the tub, while soft serve doesn’t need storage.

However, with the current trend of soft serves, getting a soft serve machine on a rental basis would earn you more profit. There’s nothing better than the sweet, soft taste of vanilla soft serve! Charm children and adults alike.

If you want to hire soft-serve machines in Melbourne for your store, get in touch with Snow Flow. With over 14 years of experience in the industry, we manufacture top-quality slushy machines, soft serve machines, and consumables such as slushy syrup, soft serve powder and more. All our quality custom manufactured machines are available to purchase, lease and hire. We even stock cups, spoons and the ingredients to make the best-frozen treats.

Our products are available Australia-wide and open directly to the public, with branches located in Victoria, South Australia, and New South Wales Queensland.

Whether you want to hire or get the soft serve ice-cream machine on rent or buy, visit Snow Flow to check our collections with the price range and get your business booming.

Snow Flow

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