What Are the Disadvantages of Solar Powered Air Conditioners?

The disadvantages of a solar powered air conditioner will vary depending on the kind you choose, so let’s break it down according to type. In general, DC solar-powered air conditioners are fantastic when it comes to keeping cool off battery power alone.

The disadvantages of a solar powered air conditioner will vary depending on the kind you choose, so let’s break it down according to type. In general, DC solar-powered air conditioners are fantastic when it comes to keeping cool off battery power alone. However, you’ll still need an AC to DC converter to run it if you’re connected to the power grid. They can also be on the pricier side, and having an adequate solar and battery system is an absolute must.


The downsides of high-efficiency SEER units differ slightly because they solely run off AC power. This means that they require a powerful inverter, as well as an adequate battery and solar setup. So, while they’re one of the most efficient A/C units you can buy, you’ll also need to factor in the cost of a high-powered inverter to run it off-grid.


Lastly, the hybrid solar air conditioner provides the benefit of using multiple energy sources to maximize your power use. However, like many of the finest things, they’re expensive. And because they’re using multiple power sources, they can also limit the number of appliances you can run at one time.


How Many Solar Panels Do I Need to Run an Air Conditioner?

The number of solar panels you’ll need to power your air conditioner will depend on the air conditioner’s size and kilowatt-hour needs. Location and time of year also play a significant role that you can account for as well. You must also factor in the size of your battery bank as the more you can store, the longer you can ride through cloudy days.


In general, however, you will need your panels to produce more than the air conditioner draws. A good rule of thumb is to be able to produce three times the energy that the AC consumes. This gives you enough energy to store for nighttime and other uses.


For example, if your air conditioner consumes 1200 watts, 3600 watts of solar should guarantee proper operation in most situations. Keep in mind that this will vary significantly based on how large the space you are cooling is and how often the AC is cycling.


How Much Does a Solar Powered Air Conditioner Cost?

So, how much money will you have to shell out to stay comfortably cool off-grid? That entirely depends on the A/C unit you purchase. DC-powered units typically run between $1,300 – $2,750. Meanwhile, high-efficiency split units fall into the $1,400 range. In contrast, hybrid A/C units may cost you $3,000 or more. Like anything, the price will depend on the brand, features, and type you choose.


Is a Solar Powered Air Conditioner Worth It?

With modern off-grid power systems, there is no reason to be uncomfortable off-grid. Many of our customers like the Mortons on the Move and Geo Astro RV run off grid air conditioners with solar and Battle Born Batteries. All of them rave about being able to stay comfortable wherever they are. So, if you ask our customers, you will hear a resounding YES! Solar-powered air conditioning is very worth it!

Tina Yuu

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