The Best Activities You Can Find In A Retirement Home


More and more, you can find that retirement homes for the elderly are like resorts, filled with all sorts of activities and events for your loved one to go to. However, there are so many activities that come standard within most retirement homes, which ones are the best?


Of course, the majority of it is going to come down to what your senior likes to do and what they find interesting, but even then you can find a few that will be very fun no matter what. Here are some of them.





It doesn’t matter if the senior in your life has two bad hips, two left feet, or no rhythm whatsoever. Dancing is an activity that is social, and can make everyone smile, and there’s just something about even being around dancing people that just raises the mood even if you don’t plan to dance yourself.


So whether dancing is used for exercise or as a way to get to know new people, it is an ever popular activity that should be in every single retirement home.



Outdoor Activities


Combining socialization with fun in the sun, any type of outdoor activity is something you should try to find. Whether it involves flowers, bird watching, time with pets, or some old old fashioned outdoor yoga, being outside has uncountable benefits for everyone, especially if the weather is perfect and the activity is fun.


Even a simple walk or power walk with some good friends or some amazing music will be enough to get your heart racing and your spirits rising!



Physical, Mental, and Video Games


While it might seem like bingo and bridge are the only two games played in retirement homes nowadays, that isn’t the case. From trivia nights, to puzzle games, to the Nintendo Wii, and chess, there are plenty of game nights and impromptu pickup games that will challenge a senior’s mind, body, and sense of competition.


Not to mention sports such as golf, basketball, and swimming, all of which can be found at a Milpitas retirement community near you!



Whatever Your Senior Likes


As stated before the best activities that a retirement home can offer are the activities that your senior will actually do. If your senior isn’t going to do the activities, then they won’t get the extra benefits of increased socialization and movement, and then they won’t have as much fun. So make a list of what the senior in your life enjoys, and try to match that list with what activities you can find at a retirement home.


If you can get them excited about what they can do at the retirement home, then they will want to go to it even more!


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