Yoga Poses For Increasing Immunity Against Coronavirus

Can yoga help me boost immunity? Does it work instantly or is it slow to show the results? Can I practice yoga during the COVID-19, commonly known as coronavirus, quarantine? The answer is yes.

Regular practice of yoga has shown effective results. Different asanas boost immunity, build the body’s strength, increase energy levels, bring down anxiety and stress, infuses positivity and freshness in the mind. 

When thinking about the cause of sickness, weather and other external pollutants are usually the first ones to blame. However, talk to any yogi and you will most likely find out that they rarely get sick.

Why viruses like corona find it easy to attack humans?

What makes us susceptible to the microscopic crazymakers? Lack of sleep, poor nutrition, and life stress all lead to a weakened immune system and vulnerability to sickness. Stress, more than anything, leads to a breakdown in the body’s ability to defend itself against bacteria and viruses. When stressed, the hormone cortisol stays in the blood for extended periods of time, which the body develops resistance to, leading to increased inflammation. According to Psychology Today. New research published in the Journal of Behavioral Medicine suggests that yoga can be a helpful way to boost your immune system and decrease inflammation in the body.

When sick, antibiotics and other medicine can help the body recover from the disease. However, what medicine fails to do is improve the body’s immune system. This is where yoga comes to the rescue! Yoga is one of the most effective and time-tested natural immunity boosters that can lead to a healthy, sickness-free body. Yoga lowers stress hormones and strengthens the nervous system while also stimulating the lymphatic system, which removes toxins from the body. Yoga calms the mind and can contribute to deeper, regulated sleep, which is crucial for wellness; sleep is one of the most important factors in healing and maintaining a healthy immune system.

So, take a look at these simple yoga poses that boost immunity during COVID-19

Follow this sequence daily

1. Deep Yogic Breath – 5 to 7 breaths 

2. Bhastrika (Bellows Breath) – 2 rounds of 20 breaths 

3. Marjari Asana (Cat pose) 

4. Ardhachakrasana (backbend) 

5. Hastapadasana or  Ardhauttanasana (Standing forward bend – Hand to knee/toe) 

6. Trikonasana (Triangle pose) 

7. Ardha Matsyendrasana or  Vakrasana (Half spinal twist) 

8. Paschimottanasana (Seated forward bend) 

9. Shishuasana (Child’s pose) 

10. Bhujangasana (Cobra pose) 

11. Dhanurasana (Bow pose)

12. Adhomukhswanasana (Downward dog pose)

13. Makarasana (Crocodile pose) with humming sound for mental relaxation 

14. Setubandhasana (Bridge pose) 

15. Sarvangasana or Vipritkarni (Shoulder stand or simple leg lift) 

16. Matsyasana (Fish pose)

17. Natarajasana (Supine spinal twist) 

18. Pawanmuktasana (Wind-release pose) 

19. Yog nidra (Relaxation) 

20. Nadishodhan pranayama (Alternate Nostril Breathing) 

21. Guided meditation by Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar

Along with a daily practice of the above protocol: 

  • Make sure to drink at least 2 to 3 litres of water daily. 
  • Minimum 6 to 8 hours of sleep.
  • Eat light, unprocessed, vegetarian food at the right time. 
  • Follow basic hygiene practices.
  • Add ginger, turmeric, black pepper to your daily diet. 

Why should you practice yoga during coronavirus?

Yoga is a holistic practice that strengthens our physical body, as well as the microscopic systems that are not visible to the eye. As a result, the body’s natural defense mechanisms also improve. A healthy, disease-free body can be easily achieved by adopting a healthy lifestyle, including eating unprocessed, whole foods, maintaining a regular yoga and meditation practice, getting plenty of sleep, and minimizing stressors. Ayurveda, yoga, and meditation are the keys to achieving our full potential. To reap the immune-boosting results of yoga, be sure to maintain a daily practice!

While a regular yoga practice, combined with a 20-minute meditation, can result in increased health. However, know that it is not a substitute for medical treatment. It is important to learn and practice yoga postures under the supervision of a trained teacher. In the case of a medical condition, practice yoga postures after consulting a doctor. 

Art of Living

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