Reasons for getting acne and
their solution

Acne and pimples should not be overlooked. Thus,

If seeking the best acne treatment in Greater Kailash, Soul Derma is the place to go! Please read the entire page to get a better sense of our facility. In Delhi, we have one of the best dermatological and acne clinics. Dr. Anika Goel, our leading acne specialist in Delhi, is highly qualified and provides the best acne and acne spot treatment with a high success rate.

The purpose of our acne treatment is not only to cover the acne-prone area temporarily but also to permanently eliminate the underlying problem for a clearer, smoother, and glowing appearance. The best aspect of our acne treatment is that the acne never returns. Our acne treatment is suitable for brides/grooms-to-be, college students, fashionistas, and social entities, with super-fast good outcomes. Soul Derma provides acne treatment consultations.

Reasons for getting acne:

There are many reasons for getting acne, such as:  

  • Unhealthy lifestyle
  • Hormonal imbalance
  • genetic
  • excess sun exposure
  • Doesn't have a proper skincare regime
  • Excess sebum (Natural Oil) production
  • Due to clogged pores
  • Pollution and dirt

If one has tried over-the-counter acne treatments for a few weeks and they haven't worked, consult a doctor about prescription-strength drugs. A dermatologist can assist one in the following ways:

  • Keep acne under control
  • Prevent scarring and other skin damage
  • Make scars less visible

Acne treatments function by either decreasing oil production and puffiness or treating bacterial infections. Most prescription acne medications do not produce benefits for four to eight weeks. It may take months or years for acne to clear up entirely.

The treatment recommended by a doctor is determined by the patient's age, the type and severity of their acne, and their willingness to commit. For example, for several weeks, one may need to wash and apply treatments to the affected area twice a day. Topical treatments and pharmaceuticals taken orally (oral medication) are frequently used together. Because of the danger of side effects, treatment choices for pregnant women are restricted.

Discuss the risks and advantages of any drugs or other therapies one is considering with the doctor.

Treatments that are available at the Soul Derma include:

Chemical peelThis method involves applying a chemical solution, like salicylic acid, glycolic acid, or retinoic acid, repeatedly. This is a minor acne treatment. It may improve the appearance of the skin, but the effect is temporary, and repeat treatments are usually required.

Light therapy: Light-based therapies have been tested with varying degrees of success. Most will necessitate several visits to the doctor's office. Further research is needed to establish the best method, light source, and dose.

Oral medicine: Oral antibiotics may be required to reduce bacteria in moderate to severe acne. To minimize this, oral antibiotics should be administered as soon as possible. The FDA has approved four combination oral contraceptives for acne treatment in women who also want to use them for contraception. If oral antibiotics aren't working, the anti-androgen drug spironolactone (Aldactone) may be used for women and adolescent girls. It works by preventing androgen hormones from acting on the oil-producing glands. Isotretinoin is a vitamin A derivative. It may be recommended for those who have moderate to severe acne that have not responded to prior therapies. 

To learn more about acne treatment in Greater Kailash, one must visit the Soul Derma Clinic.

Soul Derma

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