Ant Control Options for Homes and Other Dwellings

Ant control is easy as long as you know what to do and how to do it.

It is best to start with methods that are simple, such as using natural materials or ingredients to ward off the insects. Many of the herbs and spices in the kitchen can be used ant control for this purpose. For most minor infestations, some of the following home remedies can be very effective, easy and best of all free.

Garlic is one of the more well-known ant control methods used around the world. The smell and chemical composition of this spice may be the reason why many insects avoid it. Garlic should be separated into cloves and each clove should be sliced into medium sized pieces. These slices should then be spread around the area where ant traffic has been observed. The garlic works best when replaced every three or four days until such time that the insects do not come back.

Alternatives to the garlic, if it smells too strong for your liking, are cinnamon sticks and black pepper. The cinnamon sticks can be made smaller so that they can be spread more. As for the black pepper, this can be ground and spread directly on the pesky trespassers paths.

Mint also has the ability to distract the smelling capacity of ants. It can be handy to plant these directly on the places where they crawl through. It is also advisable to plant mint near suspected anthills to discourage the entire population from establishing itself more thoroughly. Another method of using mint is to chop it up and place it near where the pests were last seen. This method works well for food sources, such as pantries and sinks. Basil, chili peppers, and eucalyptus are also effective plants to have around the house because they are also reputed to be able to ward off these pests. The idea behind the use of these plants is that they have a particularly strong smell. This strong smell can supposedly repel these tiny marauders.

These are easy-to-do techniques for ant control that can be tried at home without the help of professionals. However, there are instances when these pests are just too much and the help of a professional is really necessary. One might need to be patient when it comes to finding out which method is most effective against the pesky intruders. It is recommended that each method should be tested one by one to see which works best or at all.


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