4 Impressive Health Benefits of Lysine

Lysine is an amino acid that is found mostly in animal products. Though more research is needed, it may help reduce anxiety, prevent cold sores, improve calcium absorption, and promote wound healing.

Lysine is an amino acid that is found mostly in animal products. Though more research is needed, it may help reduce anxiety, prevent cold sores, improve calcium absorption, and promote wound healing. Lysine is a building block for protein. It’s an essential amino acid because your body cannot make it, so you need to obtain it from food. It’s important for normal growth and muscle turnover and used to form carnitine, a substance found in most cells of your body. What’s more, what is lysine helps transport fats across your cells to be burned for energy. L-lysine is the form of lysine your body can utilize. It’s naturally found in food and is the type used in supplements. Here are 4 impressive health benefits of lysine.

May protect against and treat cold sores by blocking arginine
Cold sores or fever blisters are symptoms of an infection, often appearing on the lip or the corners of your mouth. They appear as fluid-filled blisters that can cause discomfort, such as tingling, pain, and burning. Cold sores are caused by the herpes simplex virus type 1 (HSV-1), which can hide in your spine. In times of stress or if your immune system is weakened, HSV-1 can trigger the development of a cold sore. According to some research, lysine supplements may help prevent HSV-1 from replicating and reduce the duration of a cold sore. It’s thought that lysine blocks another amino acid called arginine, which viruses need in order to multiply.
However, studies have turned up mixed results on the effects of what is lysine on HSV-1. For example, one review found that supplementing with less than 1 gram (g) of lysine per day was ineffective for preventing cold sores in people who were consuming enough arginine in their diet, but taking doses over 3 g per day was able to improve symptoms of cold sores. Furthermore, not all studies show that lysine is effective in reducing cold sore occurrence or duration. In fact, one review found insufficient evidence to recommend it for treating cold sores.

Can promote wound healing by helping create collagen
Lysine can improve wound healing in your body. In animal tissue, lysine becomes more active at the site of a wound and helps speed up the repair process. Lysine is required for the formation of collagen, a protein that acts as a scaffold and helps support and give structure to skin and bones. Lysine itself may also act as a binding agent, thereby increasing the number of new cells at a wound. It may even promote the formation of new blood vessels.
In one 2011 study, applying a combination of what is lysine and hyaluronic acid topically was able to reduce the size of pressure ulcers more effectively than sodium hyaluronate, another medication used to enhance wound healing. In another 2009 study in 40 rabbits, it was found that taking 21 mg per lb. of body weight of lysine and 23 mg per lb. of body weight of arginine significantly improved blood flow and overall bone healing. In fact, rabbits that received lysine and arginine had a 2-week reduced healing time compared to the control group. Wound healing is a complex process that requires different minerals, vitamins, and other factors. Lysine appears to have an invaluable role, and without adequate lysine, wound healing is impaired. To date, studies have only looked at oral lysine supplements on wound healing in animals, so more studies in humans are needed. Additionally, it’s unknown whether applying it directly onto wounds could be effective.

wang jiewen

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