Der Spiegel Bestseller 2023

Der Spiegel, the biggest German news magazine, is also the country’s best-selling book publisher.

Der Spiegel, the biggest German news magazine, is also the country’s best-selling book publisher. Its bestselling titles are often books about Nazis, criminals or scandals.

This year, the sexy and seductive new literary thriller Mistur (German title Nebel; English title The Mist) by Icelandic crime novelist Ragnar Jonasson is at #1 on the bestseller list of Der Spiegel in Germany. It is the first time that an Icelandic author has ever topped the Der Spiegel bestseller.

Norwegian crime writer Samuel Bjork's White as Snow is a national bestseller in The Netherlands and is currently #1 on the prestigious Riverton Prize list. It is also the #1 Norwegian crime book in Svenska Dagbladet's bestselling novels for the past 23 weeks - and has been on this list for 30 weeks overall.

The acclaimed reissue of Hitler's Mein Kampf is another hit for Der Spiegel, which has been reprinting the heavily annotated work since 2006. The new edition of the book is accompanied by an extensive interview with the author and his former wife, who had been married to Adolf.

In the latest issue of its newspaper, Der Spiegel reports that Hitler’s Mein Kampf will make its debut on the magazine’s non-fiction bestsellers list this week in 20th place. The 2,000-page version of the book includes more than 200 critical notes by scholars, half of which are in German.

Many critics have attacked Der Spiegel for its linguistic style, which they argue is “the biggest mangler of the German language.” The magazine has been accused of distorting history and hiding facts in order to deceive readers. A 1957 essay by journalist Hans Magnus Enzensberger criticized its “pretended objectivity” and called it an abomination. He wrote that Der Spiegel was a mangler because it hides and distorts its actual topics and issues by “manipulating semantics and rhetoric” instead of reporting and analyzing them.

Despite these criticisms, Der Spiegel continues to hire some of the country’s most talented feature writers. Among the well-known authors who work for the magazine are Elin Cullhed, Joakim Zander and Mattias Edvardsson.

Other authors who have made the spiegel bestseller list this year include Sara Sjöwall, Camilla Grebe, Lydia Sandgren, Lina Nordquist and Jens Liljestrand. These are just a few of the many authors who have appeared on spiegel bestseller lists over the years.

In a recent interview on the Swedish daily newspaper Goteborgsposten, Karolina Ramqvist was described as one of Sweden’s best contemporary authors. Her book Bread and Milk, which was published last fall, is featured as an audiobook by Goteborgsposten in a special edition of their long-format radio program Sommar i P1, the most prestigious individual radio program in Sweden.

The Swedish bestselling crime writer Ninni Schulman is also making the spiegel bestseller list this year with her novel Malma Station. This is her second bestselling novel to appear on the list this year, after You Will Never Be Found.

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