For all other players it's just a matter of making Diablo less fun

Diablo Immortal has been given an extremely rough ride due to this model of business (perhaps disproportionately) given that popular free-to-play competitors such as Genshin Impact

Diablo 4 Gold Immortal has been given an extremely rough ride due to this model of business (perhaps disproportionately) given that popular free-to-play competitors such as Genshin Impact and Lost Ark are not without similar gacha mechanisms to draw in big-spending "whale" gamer. Diablo's popularity and reputation among the core PC gaming audience, earned over the span of nearly a quarter century, is definitely a factor. However, it's also true that Diablo is a particularly problematic system, and the very nature of Diablo games could have an impact on that.

If you buy legendary crests you're not purchasing a roll of the dice like the case with the FIFA Ultimate Team card pack such as. It is a chance to fill the dice with dice, to access the game engine and modify the drop rates (slightly) to your advantage. These addictive gaming mechanics are not separated from the addictive gameplay mechanics, but rather tied directly into combat and loot drops within the game. Diablo is perfectly positioned to make this happen. As my coworker Maddy Myers pointed out, these games that focus on loot have always had a certain slot-machine-like quality that Diablo Immortal's business strategy makes real.

Blizzard has made it a point to emphasize that Immortal's monetization is able to be ignored till the end of the game, which is true, and they claim that the majority of players are enjoying playing the game without spending anything, which is reasonable. However, it's not true that the most enjoyable part of Diablo games resides in exploring the story rather than maxing out your character. It's equally absurd to claim that these games have been designed to create an eagerness to reach the power limit in the players. People who have a tendency toward gambling addiction, or toward the addictive qualities of Diablo's Item gameor, perhaps or both, the legendary crest system can be an abuser and could be extremely damaging.

For all other players it's just a matter of making Diablo less fun.

We've been here before or in a similar situation. When Diablo 3 came out in 2012 an auction house that was real money where players could buy and sell their drops. The idea behind this was to head off the cheating and scamming that beset item trading within Diablo 2. However, in order to direct players to an auction house Blizzard reduced the drop rate of loot in the game to the extent that equipping your character with a weapon became a tedious chore and
buy cheap Diablo IV Gold the game as was uninteresting to play. The auction house that was a snobbery was taken down and drop rate were increased in 2014 Diablo 3 instantly became more fun, even before the changes of the Reaper of Souls expansion brought the game to legendary status.


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