How to bet on cricket: 7 tips to win

Do you like cricket? Then check out our 7 tips to win!

1 - Choose the Best Cricket Betting Site

There are many betting sites for cricket available in India for you to choose from. Picking the right one can be a difficult decision that requires a lot of thought into many factors surrounding the way the betting site works, including: its banking options, free bets and customer service. Naturally, we recommend

2 - Do Your Team Research

When it comes to betting on a team to win, you need to look at more than how many games they have won recently. You also need to look at how they have played in those games. For example, if they have swiped their opponents off the field in their last five matches, then they are clearly in great form and placing a bet on them to win would be a wise decision.

3 - The Bookmaker’s Favourite Doesn’t Always Win

This might seem like an obvious thing for us to point out, but you will be surprised by how many people bet on a team to win just because the sportsbook they are using has them as firm favourites.

4 - Fewer Bets Equal a Better Chance of Winning

This might seem like common sense, but it is actually something that punters often forget. If you are placing bets in order to make money, you need to think small. Three or four selections is definitely more than enough for one accumulator.

5 - Never Fluff an Accumulator Using Odds-on Favourites

It is never a good idea to fluff out an accumulator with odds-on markets. The risk is simply just not worth it. In fact, you are just decreasing your odds of winning for barely an extra profit.

6 - Bet with Your Head, Not With Your Heart

You probably want your team to be victorious. In fact, you might want them to win so badly that you start to convince yourself that it is actually quite possible and, then bang, you’ve put some money on them to win. Here you have bet with your heart, not with your head.

7 - Choose Your Betting Moment

Odds change regularly, so it isn’t always easy to know when you should place your bets. Our advice here is to place your bet when you come across odds that you are happy to accept. 


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