Diablo 4 Players Won't Need to Rely on Gear Sets for Builds

Diablo 4 is going to be departing in the series hugely with the elimination of the gear set system that was featured prominently in Diablo 2, Diablo 3, and Diablo Immortal

Diablo 4 is going to be departing in the series hugely with the elimination of the gear set system that was featured prominently in Diablo 2, Diablo 3, and Diablo Immortal. Although gear sets happen to be a key component of character-building within the last two decades, this divergence in the formula doesn't appear to limit build possibilities.

In an organization interview, Game Rant asked Diablo 4 Lead Class Designer Adam Jackson about how exactly important specific gear is going to be in accessing certain playstyles or builds. Jackson talked about how exactly players may have more agency in devising the builds that are mostly achieved through player decision-making inside the game's systems, instead of through specific item sets. However, I am not saying that loot is unimportant. This is, in the end, a Diablo game.

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Gear Will Enhance Diablo 4 Builds, But Typically Won't Make or Break Them

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Certain builds in Diablo 3, like the Demon Hunter's Marauder Sentry build, require players to collect at least four and ideally six bits of a set that only drops in Torment difficulty. Before collecting that gear, that builds playstyle isn't even near as feasible. This means that players need to spend considerable time hoping for an opportunity to "unlock" that playstyle, instead of spending time enjoying it and which makes it more powerful. In Diablo 4, players don't have to rely a lot on luck to understand a particular play style. This doesn't get rid of the luck factor entirely, however, although the chase for any coveted drop that can build to new heights could well be the most satisfying moment of the given Diablo session. Players will still have to run through Diablo 4's over 120 dungeons to gather various Legendary Items and Powers, but a run that does not result in locating the targeted loot can continue to unlock other possibilities that previously may have called for the ball player to scrounge up six whole bits of a specific set.

Diablo 4's Systems Enable Build Experimentation

Players also provide multiple avenues to approach a desired playstyle because of Diablo 4's various progression systems. A player seeking a damage-over-time build, for instance, could probably try to achieve it through either Paragon choices, skills, Legendary Powers, or perhaps a combination of those. This is as opposed to previous Diablo games, where certain playstyles could simply be achieved with one highly specific group of gear.

A meta will in the end be established where certain to-be-discovered builds demand particular synergies between Diablo 4's Legendary Powers, skills, and Paragon choices, however, the new system appears to be more approachable and reveals more possibilities for experimentation. Players may even search for any term like "burning" within the Paragon screen to focus on nodes that affect the "burning" status, so discovering synergies ought to be an even smoother process now.

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