How to use in-app advertising effectively?

Just as we have ads on websites via Google, you can also have ads in a mobile app. However, the way these ads work is way different than ads on websites. Though these are major revenue sources for app owners, many of them are seen as an annoyance by app users.

The internet provides a lot of opportunities when it comes to advertising potential. Of course, we have social media and PPC, but there are other avenues too to promote your brand online. Today, we’re going to discuss in-app advertising and how you can use it to reach your business goals. 


What is In-app advertising and how can it benefit your brand?

Just as we have ads on websites via Google, you can also have ads in a mobile app. However, the way these ads work is way different than ads on websites. Though these are major revenue sources for app owners, many of them are seen as an annoyance by app users. One main reason is the limited space available on the smartphone screen for ads. Furthermore, many app users dislike interacting with ads when engrossed in a game or an app.


However, a creative ad strategically placed at the right place and at the right time could boost app users’ engagement with the ad and help you achieve your app goals.


6 Tips for effective in-app advertising


Understand how in-app advertising works- In-app advertising works somewhat like social media ads. Usually, the views, likes, leads, and other customer engagements are tracked. However, this varies greatly depending on the type of ad and where it’s placed. Here, you have the liberty to test your ad before scaling up its presence. You could also do an A/B test to see which iteration works best. 


Besides this, you’ll also need to create a landing page for those leads who are genuinely interested. This could be in the form of a big popup or just getting customer details and redirecting the customer to your app. You will have to brainstorm ideas to come up with a landing page that helps you get leads easily through the door.


Choose the right format- In-app ads come in various formats, such as banners, interstitial ads, native ads, and even reward ads. Based on the app profile, you’ve got to choose the right app format. For instance, gaming apps work best with rewards formats, while banner and interstitial ads are generally preferred for e-commerce apps that help boost user engagement and increase chances for conversions.


Identify your target customers- Unless you understand your target audience, you will not be able to align your advertising strategy accordingly. It is highly recommended that you create expected customer profiles who generally use your app. This would make it easier for you to market your app. For instance, if you’re advertising sandbox games that are designed to kill time, you could identify apps where you’d find interested parties and pay for your advertising efforts accordingly.


Define your budget- In-app advertising can be expensive. Sometimes you may end up spending much more than required. Define a budget and stick to it, you may need to get creative when it comes to advertising your app in a way to get your desired conversions. The main idea here is to use your budget optimally.


Analyze your data- As is with any advertising campaign, you got to see how well your campaign has performed. Based on it, you can tweak things here and there to make sure it aligns with your requirements. Many advertising platforms make it easy for you to analyze data from your campaigns. See where your efforts aren’t bearing fruit and make the requisite changes. This is somewhat similar to your social media advertising efforts.


Collect Feedback- You would never know how well your ad campaign did if you don’t collect feedback from your app users. 

Once they sign up or use your app for some time, you could send them an email stating how they’d like the experience and what you’d do to improve the experience. After all, only your app users could help you improve your service.


Last Thoughts


In-app advertising can go both ways- it could be extremely rewarding or could be a drain on your resources if you don’t do it well. You have to make sure your in-app advertising campaign works just as you require, you’d have to observe, analyze and collect feedback from customers to make sure things are working fine. After all, you can get mobile app benefits only when you reach your advertising goals and recoup your investments.


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