Acne scarring occurs in the dermis and refers to a process where collagen within the skin is damaged from inflammation, leading to permanent skin textural changes.

With over 10 years’ experience providing clients with the most effective acne scar treatment The Laser and Skin Clinic use only the latest, advanced and most effective treatment for acne scars.

Acne scarring occurs in the dermis and refers to a process where collagen within the skin is damaged from inflammation, leading to permanent skin textural changes. When people suffer from acne the dermis becomes inflamed and the body attempts to repair the wound created when pimples or blackheads are burst or otherwise removed. However, some people can refer to scarring when they see colour changes that remain for months after an acne lesion has healed.

At our award winning skin clinics in Dublin, Athlone and Mullingar we have an entire team of dedicated professionals who have been trained to perform a wide range of Acne Scar Treatments.

Acne Scar Treatment Options

  • Laser Resurfacing
  • Laser Rejuvenation
  • Dermapen Microneedling
  • Chemical Peels

Frequently Asked Questions

  • What are scars?

Scars are areas of fibrous tissue (fibrosis) that replace normal skin after injury. A scar results from the biological process of wound repair in the skin and other tissues of the body. With the exception of very minor lesions, every wound (e.g. after accident, disease, surgery) results in some degree of scarring.

  • What causes acne scarring?

Acne scars can form from a reaction to the inflammation and infection in the skin caused by acne. During the inflammatory process, tissue is destroyed and in an attempt to heal the skin, a reaction called fibrosis occurs. Fibrosis leads to changes in the texture of the skin that can be thinner (called atrophic) or thicker (called hypertrophic) than normal skin.

  • Are there different types of acne scarring?

Ice Pick Scarring – This common type of scarring is usually deep, very narrow and extends into the dermis. The skin surface looks as though it has been pierced by an ice pick hence the name ‘Ice pick’ scar. Some ice pick scars are large in size and others look similar to an open pore.

Boxcar Scarring – Boxcar scars are usually rounded or oval shaped depressions in the skin with steep vertical sides. Much wider than an Ice pick scar, they resemble the scars left by chicken pox and usually found on the cheek area.

Rolling Scarring – Scars that give the skin a wave-like appearance across otherwise normal appearing skin is caused by damage under the skins surface. These scars tend to be wide and shallow in appearance.

Hypertrophic Scarring (Keloid Scarring) – A Hypertrophic scar is raised from the skins surface and is firm in texture. These types of scars are commonly found on the back or chest area of the body but can also appear and on the face and neck and usually reduce in size over time. Keloid scarring is a form of Hypertrophic scarring.


Aishh Clinicsone of the Best hair transplant and skin clinics in Delhi/NCR, is run by renowned dermatologists of Delhi – Dr. Indu Kumari


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