Marketing Your online music promotion - Music Branding Like a Jedi!

Marketing Your online music promotion - Music Branding Like a Jedi!

The best way to go about marketing your online music promotion is to work out a simple plan and then stick with it every day. This will build momentum and overtime you will have more fans than you ever thought possible.



Most musicians try loads of different online music promotion branding tactics when they first start out. From ads on Google to spamming people on MySpace, but because they don't get overnight success (or even success in a few weeks) they think it's all broken and move onto something else.



This is were you need to be clever and think like Jedi because there is a secret that EVERYONE is missing...



The big secret that successful music marketers know is that creating momentum is all about consistent daily effort and with that Jedi mindset you can make absolutely any promotional method work.



With that in mind I want to give you a check list for your new marketing your music online mindset:



  1. The music is most important - spend 80% of your time making the best music you can and then add a little marketing. This will be the secret sauce for your music branding efforts because suddenly you will have music people want to listen to.


2. Choose one weapon and stick to it - this is how you will get fans to your website and you want to only focus very tightly on one area where you know your fans hand out. Your options are:

  • iTunes podcasts
    - YouTube videos
    - Twitter
    - Blogging
    - EzineArticles
    - Google ads
    - Facebook pages
    - MySpace
    - Reverb nation
    - Live gigs

3. Master you weapon - we have chosen our traffic source, now you want to sign up for a Google alerts account and then track you traffic platform plus the word "marketing". So for instance if you were doing Twitter you would track "Twitter marketing".



You will now get daily emails about all the twitter marketing content on the Internet and you can become the undisputed Jedi Master of your niche;-)



4. Collect fans - now that you have fans coming to your site you want to capture the email addresses of as many as you can. This is ESSENTIAL if you want to build a proper fan base.



5. Be Santa - everyone is always happy when Santa shows up because he brings us great gifts for nothing. You want your fans to feel the same way about you. Provide them with great free stuff and they will love you forever.


Once you have 1000 loyal fans, income generation will be a piece of cake.

Final thoughts.



That's it guys, 5 step to give you the kind of success that you see all these other famous musicians getting. Now it's up to you to be consistent and put the plan into action.

Good luck.



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