Buying members for Telegram channels and groups (especially channels) is very common these days and many people make money from this issue. But is buying the Telegram member and spending money on it the right thing to do? In this article, we want to talk about buying a Telegram member and provide you with comprehensive information.
Introduction to buying a Telegram member
Having a good channel or group in Telegram means that you should be able to attract the attention of users and increase the number of members day by day. Members of a channel or telegram are called members. The more members your channel has, the better your chances of getting ads and monetizing through your channel or group.
Due to this issue, many sites and companies have been created that people will receive money by promising to increase the membership of the channel and the Telegram group. Doing so is called buying a Telegram member. That is, you pay a person or organization to increase the number of members of your telegram channel or group (channel or group member) in various ways. But what methods are used for this purpose? Is buying a Telegram member the right thing to do?
In this article, we want to provide you with comprehensive information about buying a Telegram member and different ways to do this.
Pop-up method: You are probably guessing how the pop-up method works! In this method, the user is faced with a pop-up window that asks him to join a channel or group. For example, the owner of an Android application creates a special code to subscribe to your channel. Users of this application will automatically encounter a pop-up notification while using it, inviting them to join the channel or group. For more information on this issue, use the article "Preventing Telegram from Opening Automatically and Unwanted Invitation to Channels". This style of advertising is not only for mobile applications, but can also be used on various sites. In this case, the user will receive a notification to join your channel or group while clicking on a specific link. Using this method is not very effective in buying a Telegram member and has a very high loss.
Push notification method: In this method, users receive a notification as a request to join a channel or group in the device load notification and are added to the user's channel or group by touching it. To do this, applications and interface command codes are used. According to the companies providing Telegram member purchase services, this method is one of the most effective ways to increase membership. The drop in this method is far less than other methods, because users will not touch the received notification if they are not interested in the subject of your channel.