Proxy member is a relatively new method that has been added, in which when a user uses the MTProto Telegram service, a channel is added as a proxy to its channel list and is displayed invariably in the user's channel list at the top of the screen. If the user joins the channel, the investor channel will be removed from the top list and placed in the chat list among other channels.
This method is very expensive and it is probably more valuable if you advertise on quality Telegram channels. Because the user joins the channel just to remove the channel from the list above, and it is possible that he is not interested in the topic of the channel at all.
Will our channel be blocked by Telegram by purchasing a Telegram member?
If you do not have the patience to ask for the continuation of the text, I must say "no" in one word. Hit a fake or real member for his competitors and block his channel.
At present, Telegram blocks channels only because of copyright and immoral content, which we have discussed in an article on how to increase Telegram membership in the blog category.
Will the members fall by buying Telegram members?
It depends on whether you buy a fake member or a real one, any real member will fall because the users are real and if they do not like the content of the channel they will definitely be fair but the fake member as we explained in the above category, two models with fall and without They have a drop, if you buy a member without a drop, it will not be a drop by the members, but if Telegram detects it, it may delete them.
The amount of member loss in the pop-up mode
Basically, the pop-up method has less losses than other methods of buying a Telegram member. Because we know that people have joined your channel willingly. But the important thing is that these people are human and they may make another decision later. Various factors can cause members to leave your channel later or later.
It is the responsibility of the channel admin to maintain his audience with appropriate and useful posts. Our job at DJFollower is to get a certain number of members to join your channel. But maintaining these members is the responsibility of the channel admin. In any case, the loss of this method is much less than other methods due to its optionality.