This Is The Single Biggest Mistake Parents Make In Child Custody Battle

The focus of any child custody and visitation action should be on what is best for the children,

One of the best ways to win a custody dispute is to emphasize all of your good traits as a parent. At the same time, it is equally demanding to downplay any attempt to make your soon-to-be-ex appear to be an unfit parent. This is not to say that you should not point out instances of abuse or neglect, but certainly do not appear to be focusing on bad-mouthing your ex.


Judges and attorneys have seen this too often. This has become very suspicious - alienating strategies. True or not, we often assume that the parent making these allegations is the less fit parent. If you are interested in winning any custody dispute, you must always remain mature and even-tempered, especially when you are appearing before a judge in court.


Although the legal system has become more skeptical of parents using alienation and malicious strategies against their former partners, it seems to be encouraging it at the same time. When making determinations related to child custody, often the judge will have to decide which parent will more frequently act in the child's best interest. Making this determination still rests on the fault model.


Although many states today have no-fault versions of divorce, fault reasoning still plays a major role in making custody determinations. Traditionally, the parent who was most "faultless" within the marriage and divorce was awarded custody of the children. Typically, the parent who was found at "fault" was the parent who either committed adultery, abused drugs or alcohol, was a physical abuser, or was guilty of child abuse or neglect.


So basically, while the courts frown upon making malicious accusations, it actually encourages it at the same time. So, as long as custody determinations will continue to be based on the fault model, we recommend you handle the other parent's negatives in a non-confrontational manner. You should always present yourself as the parent who is better able to provide for your child's best interests, not as the parent who is spiteful and still bitter. By doing so, you will appear to be the parent with superior parenting skills.


Do not waste time in the uncertainty of losing custody of your kids or having the least visitation rights by not grasping child custody laws. Consult with our family law expert for the best advice; Find the right custody arrangement guarantee success with the top Child Custody Attorneys Fullerton. For a free initial consultation, call 1-714-916-9800 today.


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