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History of Woodworking Instruments History of Woodworking Instruments

May axes were within Scandinavia, Indonesia and France. These Habit Axes, were almost certainly agreed to a pre-historic 'Axe God.' Many axes that were found were new and unused. Several copper, small Axes were utilized as pendants across the neck. Many steel icons were discovered depicting an Guitar God. The Axe Lord, carrying a sizable guitar, is revealed on a rock surface at Simrishamm, South Sweden.

The God of the Axe was specially respected in this pre-historic period. It was most certainly begun in the North. Axes were manufactured from flint, deer or reindeer antlers, bone and copper. The very first double-sided guitar was within Scandinavia. It is an authentic Nordic gun which distribute for the duration of Europe and England. The earliest flint Axe in the world was outdated 1700 BC.

But who was simply that pre-historic "Axe Lord?" On among the straight monoliths at Stonehenge, the patterns of four axe-heads are found. This suggests that the Axe-God relates to the Pillar God. The Pillar God is Poseidon. In Viking axe  Greece, Poseidon occasionally appears holding just one and often a double axe. Down the road Poseidon exchanged his Guitar for a Trident.

The source of Frisian Laws arises from the Frisian Lord Fosite. He visited over the stormy seas to the sacred area of Frisia. There he used his guitar on the shore and a spring gushed up. The place was called 'Axenshow,' or 'Axtemple.' The Frisians sat round the spring and the God Fosite shown them the Law. Fosite was an Axe God. He was instructor of Law, the greatest Judge, saviour from threat at beach, waker of rises, yet features directed at Poseidon.

Why are our kids not being shown that wonderful history? Ellis Peterson AKA Ragnar Storyteller is just a outdated z/n teacher and technology engineer. He has been learning astrology, runes, metaphysics and alternate therapeutic remedies for around 30 years. He is 70+, in very good health and lives in the boonies of the Pocono mountains together with his wifr Lory. His articles are unique and refreshing.

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